Square Enix Webistte


[COURSE UTK 435: Usability Testing and Methods - Group Project ]

We are creating a usability test plan for a system the Square Enix Website.

Our objectives are to:

Conduct usability testing.

Timeline: September 2023 - Current

Team: Rami Anguiano, Hunter Sexton, AngelicaRose Nepomuceno, Duncan Clark

Usability Test Plan

Test Goals

There is a limited capacity for our budget as we plan to spend no more than a total of fifteen dollars (USD) for materials. Money will be provided through personal funds and allocated to purchase candy which will be used as a form of participant incentive for our data collection.

The Square Enix English website is a fully developed product that has been launched and established in 2021. We plan to take a summative approach to our research to evaluate the site's visual design and information architecture.

The usability test of the English Square Enix Games website will concentrate on identifying visual areas of concern and points of improvement for content navigation. We plan to diagnose existing / potential design errors, determine site intuitiveness, gauge user satisfaction, and understand user behavior & preferences.At the time of writing there are no sponsors for this usability test.

Plan for Testing

We plan on doing a summative test that tracks satisfaction.

We plan on conducting our tests onsite in a conference room.

Since we do want big picture feedback, we will do two focus groups with each consisting of six people. We will guide the groups through the site while getting feedback and reactions as we go.

Before we begin we will have one open ended question: What content should a video company website have?

To help aid in anything that the group may have missed, we will also include a post test survey that will address more pointed questions. Examples of pointed, post test questions:

-Likert Scale: How satisfied are you with the content layout of the home page?

-Yes/ No: Do you feel the website was aesthetically appealing

-Yes/ No & Open Ended: Did the website fulfill all the requirements you listed. If it did not meet your requirements, please explain why?

Participants Incentives

NA- We do not have a budget for this project; however, we plan to provide participants an oppertunity to experience user sstudy.

Required Consent Forms

For our required consent forms we plan to use the Standard Informed Consent Template as provided by the University of Tennessee’s Office of Research, Innovation & Economic Development. We plan to distribute the forms through email to our participants before having them come to the lab. Standard-Informed-Consent-Template.pdf (utk.edu)

Screening for Recruitment

The screening questionnaire will indicate characteristics such as past experience / knowledge, behavioral conduct, and other criteria to find participants who are appropriate subjects for this usability test.

-The following is a general summary of user characteristics that are suitable for testing:

-Must be able to speak, read, and comprehend the English language

-Age must be between the years of 18 and 30

-Must utilize the internet for a minimum of 6 hours per week

-Must not have had any prior experience interacting with the English Square Enix Website

Criteria for Task Success and Failure

NA- Since we are using a focus group, scenarios do not apply to our methodology. The participants will guide the discussion and what feedback we receive. In our post survey questions, they will be more of a reflection of their experience, and we will not need to have them emulate a scenario to receive reflective feedback.


NA- Since we are letting the group lead, we do not have set success and failure criteria. In a general sense, the pass and fail will be rather we are able to get feedback from the groups. We will have guiding prompts if the group becomes too focused on a single aspect or general questions for them to think about if they cannot think of any feedback.

Feedback Methods

We will collect mostly qualitative from the feedback given during the focus group.

We will collect quantitative data with our post group survey in the format of a Likert Scale questionnaire.

We will be using acquired data to measure user satisfaction and user insights on the Square Enix Website.

Tentative Project Deadlines and Materials

Testing: November 7th, 2023

Draft Test Materials: November 30th, 2023

Test Materials: December 7th, 2023

Post-Test Deliverable (Presentation):We will present our materials as an oral presentation to Dr. Bilal’s Fall 2023 INSC 435 class in COM-246B on either December 7th or December 12th, 2023.


Barnum, C. M. (2010). Usability testing essentials : Ready, set... test!. Elsevier Science & Technology.

The Official Square Enix website. SQUARE ENIX | The Official SQUARE ENIX Website. (n.d.). https://www.square-enix-games.com/en_US/home

Office of Research, Innovation & Economic Development. (2022, December 14). HRPP Forms and Templates. Research Integrity & Assurance. https://research.utk.edu/research-integrity/human-research-protection-program/for-researchers/hrpp-forms-and-templates/